Booker's Bigotry.

New Jersey Senator and presidential candidate Corey Booker commented on President Trumps statements concerning the recent mass shootings at El Paso and Dayton.

Booker stated:

"You know, the president, in his remarks, were weak  - was weak and he was wrong. There can be no equivocation in a time like this, where we have a serious crisis in our country, and for the president to imply that video games and mental illness was the reason why a white supremacist with a gun did what he did, mental illness didn't kill the people of Dayton. A man wielding a high-caliber, high-capacity rifle did."

Booker showed his racism by quickly blaming white supremacy for the Dayton shooting. In Booker's racist mind, every tragic event is the result of white supremacy. He simply ignored the fact the the shooter was a Democrat voter, a supporter of  Elizabeth Warren, a supporter of the violent neo Soviet group Antifa and identified as a socialist. The shooter's  political outlook was closely aligned with Booker's own views. The Senator didnt care. He simply wanted to use another tragic event to promote his own personal racism.1

1. 1st published at on August 6, 2019

Obama Covers up Liberal Mass Shooting

Former President Barack Obama called for stricter gun control laws in a Monday statement after two mass shootings over the weekend left more than 30 people dead in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio.

He said the El Paso shooting followed a "dangerous trend ' of violence motivated by racist ideologies. He compared white supremacist websites to terrorist groups like ISIS and called on law enforcement and internet platforms to reduce the influence of hate groups.

However, virtually ignored the Dayton shooting. This is because it has since been  discovered that the shooter was a supporter of his party (specifically Elizabeth Warren), identified as a socialist and was also a supporter and possible member of the violent neo Soviet organization Antifa.

Obama whitewashes violence committed by the left in order to promote his own totalitarianism . If right wing violence occurs, he blames all whites. If liberal violence occurs, he ignores it.1

1. 1st published at on August 5, 2019

DNC Liberals Display an Example of their Bigotry

The Executive Director of Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee was recently forced to resign. White feminist, Allison Jaslow, resigned from her position after two liberal racists stated they were not happy with her skin color.

Representatives Vicente Gonzalez (D-Texas) and Filemon Vela (D-Texas) openly complained about the lack of diversity in the senior management positions of the House Democrat's campaign arm. In a statement to POLITICO, the pair said "The DCCC is now in complete chaos. The single most immediate action that Cheri Bustos [ chairwoman of the campaign] can take to restore confidence in the organization and to promote diversity is to appoint a qualified person of color, of which there are many, as executive director at once. We find the silence of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus on this issue to be deafening,"

In summation, one liberal sexist was overthrown by 2 liberal racists. This is how liberals operate. They judge people on the basis of gender and skin color.1

1. 1st published at on July 31, 2019

AP Attacks Latino Man

An Associated Press headline states: 'White man denies saying 'Go back where you came from'

The man  admitted cursing at a pregnant black Georgia lawmaker for taking too many items into a supermarket express lane but denies telling her, "go back where you came from." Additionally the man had told the news organization he is Cuban not white.

Racist AP reporters are trying to use this mundane incident in Georgia to promote their own liberal racism  The news organization wants the allegedly 'white man' held accountable. However, he appears to have broken no laws.

This racist reporting is reminiscent of the liberal media's bleaching scandal during the George Zimmerman / Tryvon Martin confrontation.  Zimmerman (a Latino) shot Martin (an Afro American) during a confrontation in Florida. The media bleached Zimmerman's skin color when they produced photos of him so that he appeared white. They called him a 'white man'. However, Zimmerman had stated he was Latino.1

1. 1st published at on July 21, 2019

Media Uses Montgomery County Incident to Promote Liberal Racism

In Montgomery County PA, a woman in a store became angered when another woman was speaking Spanish rather than English to her. The angered woman said nothing racist. She made no mention of ethnic background nor skin color. However she believed that people in US should speak English. One country one language. The angered woman also appeared to reference the fact many foreigners are getting free food, education and housing on the backs of middle class taxes when she stated "Go back to your own country — we're not your fu***ing piggyback."

The mainstream media is now using the incident to promote liberal racism. In this article, a liberal racist reporter states several times the ethnicity of the angered woman. The article clearly displays liberal bigotry toward the angered woman simply because of her skin color. The media is using the story in order to promote their own racism.1

1. 1st published at on July 12, 2019

Neo Soviet Group Antifa Rampages in Portland

The violent neo Soviet organization, Antifa, attacked multiple groups of people this weekend in Portland Oregon.

Video shows the group attacking journalist Any Ngo because he disagrees with their left wing extremism. Ngo suffered multiple bruises to the face. Antifa also clashed with police officers throwing eggs at them. They also clashed with members of a nationalistic group called ProudBoys. Lastly, Antifa members may have also attacked a group called "HimToo". This group supports men who have been falsely accused of rape. Neo Soviet Antifa members are said to have thrown milkshakes – some of them laced with a cement like substance – at all of the above mentioned groups.

One left wing extremist, emergency medical technician Jessyca Jones, told ABC News she was protesting the so called 'alt right'. She stated “"And I like throwing milkshakes at bigots," In her case the term "bigots" means anyone who is not a left wing extremist.

 Thus far only three people have been arrested 1. Further details of the violence can be read here.

1. Article 1st published at on July 1, 2019

New York School Surveys White Privilege

The Life Sciences Secondary School, on the Upper East Side in New York posted a survey in an effort to promote liberal racism. Its two-page survey is called “White Privilege Exercise” and consists of 26 questions. Some of the questions on the survey can be seen here.

/ The purpose of the survey was to promote hate and discrimination against students with lighter skin color. Department of Education consultant Darnisa Amante apparently ordered public schools to promote liberal bigotry sometime in May. He stated “If I had a poor white male student and I had a middle-class black boy, I would actually put my equitable strategies and interventions into that middle class black boy because over the course of his lifetime he will have less access and less opportunities than that poor white boy,” Thus, a liberal who has significant input to public education is promoting the liberal idea that students should be judged on the basis of their skin color.1

1. 1st published at on June 28, 2019

Megan Rapinoe Shows She is a Stalinist

Megan Rapinoe, a staunch liberal and soccer player for the US women’s team in the World Cup, said she would not attend a visit to the White House if the US team won the World Cup. She then went on to demand teammates follow her lead. She made it clear that she will not respect her teammates political views unless they correspond with her own views.

She stated " I think I would encourage my teammates to think hard about lending that platform or having it co-opted by an administration that doesn't feel the same way or fight for the same things that we fight for."  When she says "we" she really means herself.

She also stated that she would “probably never put my hand over my heart” again during the national anthem. Ironic she is playing for a country she does not respect.

Her arrogance, egotisticalness and Stalinism is exactly why so many average sports fans grew to hate this US women’s soccer team. She is an example of liberal totalitarianism.

Interestingly, she was blasted in the Yahoo Sports comment section. Below is a screen capture of the top 6 comments. 1

1. 1st published at on June 27, 2019

Liberal Jackson Cosko

Liberal Jackson Cosko was recently sentenced to 4 years in jail. The liberal Democratic aide stole a senator’s data, mined it for blackmail material and then published the home addresses and phone numbers of multiple Republican senators during the 2018 hearings for now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

He admitted he was angry at republicans because they wanted evidence Kavanaugh was guilty of sexual assault.

He is an example of liberal totalitarianism. He was trying to silence and cause physical harm against people he disagreed with. Additionally, Cosko is no friend of male college students. False rape accusations routinely occur on college campus with male students often kicked out of school based on no evidence whatsoever.1

1. First published at on June 22, 2019