New York Times Promotes Left Wing Racist Propaganda

The New York Times recently posted an article titled:  Job or Health? Restarting the Economy Threatens to Worsen Economic Inequality

The Times stated:
"The coronavirus recession has exacerbated the racial and income divides in America. Lifting restrictions too soon will make them worse and leave workers with a bleak choice.”
Huh? They claim locking people out of their jobs exacerbates inequality but then claims allowing workers to go back to their jobs will make inequality worse.

The Times continued:
 "In 2018, the typical Hispanic household earned three-quarters of what a typical white household earned, according to census data. The typical black household earned three-fifths of what the typical white household earned, and their household income had yet to return to pre-financial-crisis highs."
“The virus has only exacerbated that inequality, with minorities suffering both higher death rates and more financial harm,”

Left Wing Media Outlets Try to Stamp Out Dissent

In a move reminiscent of the old Soviet Union, left wing reporters have began attacking middle class protesters.

Many middle class workers, particularly in the mid west have began protesting against stay at home orders. They increasing view the orders as a form of Stalinism. They want to go back to work and get a pay check. Many are having trouble paying their bills.

However, left wing media outlets such as Yahoonews, Associated Press and Washington Post see independent thinking protesters as a threat to any future socialist police state. These media outlets want the middle class to say home. They want these citizens barred from their jobs. In an effort to stamp out the protests, left wing journalists are tying to undermine the credibility of the protesters. Media outlets are claiming claiming the protesters are drones being controlled by InfoWars or  Gun Rights Groups or Conservative political groups. This is a media disinformation campaign.

Foreign Interference in America

A group of 90 House and Senate Democrats are demanding President Trump’s administration halt all border wall construction at the United States-Mexico border during the coronavirus crisis.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), along with 24 other Senate Democrats and 66 House Democrats, have sent a letter to the Department of Homeland Security, the Defense Department, and the Department of Justice requesting a halt on border wall construction.

“While our country to combat the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, continuing border wall construction places local communities at unnecessary risk,” the Democrats wrote. “We request that during this crisis, all border wall construction halt immediately.”

Yahoo Sports Promotes Left Wing Racism Again

In their article titled "By saying he doesn't see race, Tom Brady acknowledges his privilege to be indifferent",  Yahoo Sports  espoused left wing racism. Its not the first time the news organization promoted such bigotry.

Yahoo's article states:
“I never saw race,” Brady said. “I think sports transcends race. It transcends wealth. It transcends all that. You get to know and appreciate what someone else may bring. When you’re in a locker room with 50 guys, you don’t think about race because you’re all in the same boat at that point.

ABCNews Spin Doctoring

ABCnews is an example of why the public is mistrustful of the media. They recently wrote an article about the upcoming November 2020 election. ABCnews claimed Trump is using the virus briefings as a de facto rally replacement.

Their article states: