TIME and Yahoonews both produced recent articles promoting hate and liberal racism.
TIME produced an article titled 'We Are Being Eaten From Within. Why America Is Losing the Battle Against White Nationalist Terrorism'. The
article states:
"it was clear that white nationalists have become the face of terrorism in America. Since 9/11, white supremacists and other far-right extremists have been responsible for almost three times as many attacks on U.S. soil as Islamic terrorists, the government reported. "
"More people–49–were murdered by far-right extremists in the U.S. last year than in any other year since the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995. "
"White supremacy is a greater threat than international terrorism right now,” says David Hickton, a former U.S. Attorney who directs the University of Pittsburgh Institute for Cyber Law, Policy and Security."
"Then there is the problem of a Commander in Chief whose rhetoric appears to mirror, validate and potentially inspire that of far-right extremists."
"If we cannot call an evil by its name, how can we hope to defeat it? “You can’t really deal with the problem unless you acknowledge it exists,” says Mark Pitcavage, senior research fellow at the ADL’s Center on Extremism, who has studied far-right extremism since the mid-1990s. "
Though 49 deaths is tragic, it is minimal compared to those being killed in Chicago and Baltimore. There were 561 people murdered in Chicago and 309 people murdered in Baltimore during this same period. Additionally none of the nearly 800 murders were perpetrated by white supremacists. In fact, the vast majority of them were not even murdered by white people. In otherwords, what the liberal news organization wants people to believe is that 49 murders nationwide is an epidemic. but the the nearly 800 murders in just two liberal controlled cities is mundane. TIME is using the relatively small number of murders by white extremists to promote hate and liberal racism. Its not Trump's rhetoric that is causing extremism, ITS THE LIBERAL MEDIA'S RHETORIC (SUCH AS THIS ARTICLE) that is the problem.
Additionally, its no coincides that TIME continually talked about El Paso but virtually ignored the Dayton murders. We now now that the Dayton shooter was a self professed socialist and Antifa supporter. IN otherwords, he was like most TIME reporters.
Yahoonews produced an article titled 'Here's the data on white supremacist terrorism the Trump administration has been 'unable or unwilling' to give to Congress' .
Yahoonews states:
"The document, dated April 15, 2019, shows 25 of the 46 individuals allegedly involved in 32 different domestic terrorism incidents were identified as white supremacists."
"In March, Durbin introduced the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act in the wake of a shooting at a mosque in New Zealand. The bill called on the DOJ and on FBI offices that monitor, investigate and prosecute domestic terrorism to assess the “threat posed by white supremacists"
"According to Durbin's aide, the ambiguity in the current classification system and the DOJ’s apparent reluctance to release data on white supremacist terrorism raises concerns about whether adequate resources are being devoted to the threat.“This highlights the problem with not specifically tracking white supremacist attacks,” the aide said of the document. “If we do not understand the scope of this problem, we cannot effectively combat it."
Additionally the liberal news organization quoted a
politician known for promoting racism.. Sen. Corey Booker is quoted
"I'm troubled by the lack of transparency, given that we haven't received this critical information after several requests to the FBI and DOJ. They cannot and should not remain silent in the face of such a dangerous threat,"
The article then said Booker signed a letter which stated:
" For the past decade, the FBI used 11 different categories for domestic terrorism, including a separate category for white supremacist incidents. The Administration is now using a classification system with only four categories, including ‘racially-motivated violent extremism, This new category inappropriately combines incidents involving white supremacists and so-called -Black identity extremists,’- a fabricated term based on a faulty assessment of a small number of isolated incidents."
Once again Booker shows his bigotry by claiming black racism is different than white racism.
Yahoonews is using a small number of individuals to promote its own brand of hate and hysteria. They are using 25 individuals to promote hate against an entire ethnic group. Nationwide, 25 individuals is not large - especially when compared to the number of individuals who are committing murder in Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Washington DC or Los Angelos. Combined, these individuals murdered appropriately 1530 people during 2018. An American has a much higher chance of being killed by an individual in the aforementioned cities than by a white supremacist. Certainly the 25 white extremists should be in jail with no sympathy for them.. However, Yahoonews is focusing on them and exaggerating their threat to the nationwide public simply because of their skin color. Meanwhile, they ignore the mass killings in liberal controlled cities. Yahoonews is promoting liberal racism.
The articles from Time and Yahoonews are examples of the liberal media promting hate. Both organizations excaggerate the threat of white supramists to the national public. Both news organizations portray whites in the same light as 1930's Germany portrayed Jews. They are shown as violent and the cause of national chaos. And like Nazi Germany, liberal journalists use the targeted ethnic group as a scapegoat to cover for their own totalitarianism and refusal to accept different points of views.