South Carolina's James Clyburn Dismisses Black Employment

Appearing Tuesday on the Fox Business Network, House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) dismissed record-low black unemployment under President Donald Trump, stating black Americans “were fully employed during slavery.”

Reporter Neil Cavuto asked "Let’s leave the words aside, whether you like his style or not, tweets or not, or comments or not, he’s delivered the goods for a lot of African-Americans. Does he not with record-low unemployment levels?… You don’t think that’s something that’s constructive?"

Clyburn responded "No, because it’s not true. I’m saying that the African American unemployment is not the lowest it’s ever been unless you count slavery… We were fully employed during slavery. So, it all depends how you measure this up."

Is Clyburn serious? Is he so ignorant and narrow minded that he would rather not celebrate falling black unemployment. Its as if he is threatened by decreasing black unemployment. Its a threat to his power.  If more black Americans are off welfare and working for themselves then he has no power over them. He cant control them.

James Clyburn

Left Wing Racism at MSNBC and CNN

Liberal news organizations MSNBC and CNN displayed more left wing racism recently.

MSNBC’s Joshua Johnson summed up Tuesday’s New Hampshire Democratic Primary vote by stating the electorate of New Hampshire and Iowa “are damn near the same.” He said he’s waiting for future states like Nevada and South Carolina to have a “better idea of where the electorate is going to go.”

Yahoonews Wants Voting Based on Left Wing Racism

In their article 'Should the Iowa caucuses come first?', the left news wing organization states:
It’s been a subject of debate in Democratic circles for years: Should Iowa — the sixth-whitest state in the nation — always be the first to vote for the presidential nominee of an increasingly diverse party.
In December, for instance, former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julián Castro went to Des Moines and told Iowans they shouldn’t vote first.