Jake Gardner, Victim of Left Wing Violence Commits Suicide

In May, violent left wing riots occurred in Omaha, Nebraska.  Many of the Antifa rioters intended to burn businesses. Communist Antifa burns  businesses because they want capitalism eliminated and replaced with a socialist police state. During the Omaha riots, multiple left wing totalitarians, including James Scurlock attacked business owner and Iraqi War veteran  Jake Gardner. Attacks against people are  a common occurrence during Antifa and BLM demonstrations. The attacking left wing rioters appeared angry that Gardner's skin color was white and that he wanted to protect his business. Defending himself from the violent attack, Gardner initially fired warning shots. Several left wing tyrants fled. However Scurlock then attacked Gardner. Jake Gardner then shot and killed Scurlock during the assault. 

Below is a partial video of the left wing attack.  Douglas County Prosecutor, Don Kleine, narrates the video. A more complete video and narration of the entire confrontation can be seen here.

Initially,  Kleine determined Gardner acted in self-defense and did not file charges in the case. Gardner did not initiate any confrontation. It was the left wing rioters who initiated the entire confrontation by storming into the city and attacking businesses.

However, Klein's  self defense ruling enraged left wing tyrants. They claimed they had the right to burn businesses and attack people in the name of socialism.

Further violent left wing protests erupted in Omaha. They demanded Gardenr be arrested. As a result of political pressure, Kleine  petitioned the County to appoint a special prosecutor and convene a grand jury to review the incident. Under the direction of Special Prosecutor Frederick Franklin , a grand jury agreed to charge Gardner,  with four felonies on September 18.  Franklin had argued Gardner had intent to murder someone while the violent left wing protesters had no intentions of harming anyone.

 Following Scurlock's death, Gardner began receiving death threats,. He decided to leave Omaha and went to California. Apparently he had fellow veteran friends in that state. Upon receiving news of his indictment, his attorney, Stu Dornan, stated "The grand jury indictment was a shock to him, He was really shook up." Dorman said Gardner was difficult to reach due to the fires in California, but that he did intend to return to Omaha. He was going to be accompanied back to Omaha by a fellow veteran.  Tom Monaghan (Gardner's other attorney) said. "Jake was worried he was going to get shot on the way here, that some of those folks [who] gave him death threats...would carry through with them,"  Gardner believed he would not get a fair trail. Somehow he ended up in Portland Oregon where police claim he committed suicide on September 22.

Nebraska State Senator Meghan Hunt (pictured below) responded to Gardner's suicide by stating:

"Jake Gardner is gone, but the white supremacist attitudes that emboldened him are still with us today,”
“Healing ourselves of white supremacy is so difficult and takes so long because it requires us to confront ourselves,”
"For white supremacy to be persistently rejected, it first needs to be unlearned. Sometimes over and over. We wish unlearning racism could be as simple as denouncing a white hood, a burnt cross, vile language. But we have to address where supremacy begins, not just where it ends,"
"White supremacist violence now makes up the majority of domestic terror in the US."

Gardner had no ties to any white supremacists group. Its ignorant racist attitudes like Hunt's that may have caused his suicide. This left wing politician based her statements on Gardner's skin color and the fact he defended himself against violent left wing extremists.

White supremacists are not a threat to democracy simply because there are so few of them. The real threat to democracy are violent left wing totalitarians such as Nebraska State Senator Meghan Hunt. She judges people on the basis of their skin color not actions. She claims any white person who is not a socialist is a white supremacist. She makes excuses for left wing violence perpetrated by Antifa or BLM and she wants anyone defending themselves against  left wing physical  attacks arrested.  She is a left wing racist and tyrant. She is part of the problem.


Violent Left Wing Rioters

Violent left wing riots have plagued many US cities for the past several months. Recently, multiple rioters have finally actually been charge with crimes. 

In Delaware, two left wing  women were charged with hate crimes for their attack on two President Trump supporters. In Pittsburgh, PA violent left wing rioters  were charged with disorderly conduct, conspiracy, theft and harassment. The left wing tyrants yelled racial slurs and harassed outdoor restaurant patrons in the city.

However, in Washington DC, violent left wing rioters  have not been held accountable for their actions.  A group of left wing totalitarians harassed, and attacked pro-Trump supporters in the city, including an elderly couple wearing “Trump 2020” t-shirts.  A video shows the elderly couple being harassed and a violent left wing women can be seen assaulting the old man as he walked with his wife.  The woman was enraged the couple supported President Trump. She has not been identified and DC police aren't looking for her.  She has been shielded by left wing news organizations such a s CNN, NBCnews and New York Times as well a mayor Muriel Bowser. A picture of  the tyrant appears below.

Imagine the media outcry if right wing racists harassed and threatened an elderly black couple wearing an Obama shirt and one of the right wingers assaulted the old black man.

Violent left wing tyrants need to be held accountable for their actions. They have no right to attack people or burn other people's property. They act like the old Soviet KGB or present day Venezuela's oppressive socialist regime.

A Man Defies Black Lives Matter

One man stood up and defied Black Lives Matter recently (BLM). He stood in front of them and shouted 'All Lives MAtter' sending the left wing bigots scurrying around like ants whose nest was disturbed. BLM was angered anyone would claim every life matters and is equally valuable. A complete video of the incident is here.

This is a person who should be shown on news networks as an example of standing for equality not somebody burning buildings, looting and assaulting people.