ABCNews Claims There Are Too Many White People at Parks

 In a news segment titled "America's Great White Outdoors", ABCNews claimed that the "whiteness" of America's parks is a crisis.

They interviewed Ambreen Tariq, founder of Brown People Camping.  She said "When you look around you dont see people you identify with". She complained that because so many people didnt have the same skin color as her, she felt unwelcomed and out of place.  Incredibly,  she is incapable of saying 'Hello" to anyone simply because they don't look like her. 

 ABCNews then expressed anger because it claimed that 77% of park visitors were white. Why that is  horrible was never explained. Nor was it explained why anyone should even care about the skin color of park attendees  Additionally, ABCNews stated only 20% of Park service employees were non white and tacitly advocated less white employees be hired in favor of Afro Americans. Their segment implied  blacks can only relate to black Rangers and black information personal. Imagine someone implying that whites can only relate to white Rangers. Imagine someone claiming there are too many black NBA players so the league should hire less blacks and more whites and Latino players so that they can better relate to fans. If someone is so narrow minded that they can only relate to people who look like themselves, they need to say out of the National Parks.

 ABCNews also interviewed Danielle Williams of "Diversity Outdoors".   In a truly ironic statement, Williams, who is black,  stated "You are worried about just having a negative interaction based solely on the color of your skin".  This statement describes the entire ABCNews segment. The news origination has a negative reaction to certain people (ie white) simply because of the color of their skin.

What kind of news organization produces such a racist segment? Their whole "report" emphasized that people can and should only associate with those who look like themselves. The "report" also displayed the news organization's  anti white sentiment. ABCNews appears to have an ingrained culture of left wing racism.

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