CBSNews Displays Its Internal Culture of Racism

CBS News correspondent Nikole Killion spoke with New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and asked why she chose to endorse “an old white guy” as a woman of color. Ocasio-Cortez replied that it shows America has to cross racial, gender and generational lines.

 Killion asked “As a woman of color, why back an old white guy? And is this the future of the party?” during the interview.

Skin color should be of no relevance when endorsing any politician.  Killon, however, clearly shows the liberal mentality that skin color and ethnic background matter.  The CBS reporter's questions were completely idiotic and narrow minded. It shows the news agency is unable to judge people on the basis of their actions. Instead, they judge people on the basis of ethnic background and they expect others to do the same. CBSNews could potentially be classified as a hate group.

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