Not Everything CNN Tells You Is True

CNN recently wrote an article about Columbus day. The article was mixed with facts and propaganda.

CNN states: ""Columbus came in three ships known as the Nina, Pinta, and the Santa Maria. His crew did in fact come over on those ships. Several replicas have been made over the years, including a fleet that was gifted to Texas from Spain. The last of the replica ships sank in April."

It then went on to say Columbus  "did utilize the help of one chief on the island of Haiti and took back gold, according to Encyclopedia Britannica. But he actually took some of the natives back to the "Old World" as slaves. Columbus and his crew gave the gift of violence and disease to the islands they discovered. "

CNN falsely paints an image of peaceful Native Americans  as if they had never known violence until Columbus. In fact, many tribes had been at war with one another for decades and centuries. Some tribes even took hostages from other tribes until they got what they wanted.  CNN also intentionally left out the fact that Columbus was under orders from Queen Isabella to bring back gold and slaves. Isabella, not Columbus, was the policy maker.

The remainder of the piece was generally accurate.

This article shows CNN never misses an opportunity to promote their political agenda even if it sometimes is packaged in brief statements.

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