60 Minutes Claims Russia Manipulated The 2016 US Elections

60 minutes recently claimed Russia manipulated the US 2016 elections. Their episode "How Russian intelligence officers interfered in the 2016 election" claimed Russia  controlled US elections by hacking the Democratic Party's  computer server and releasing the Party's secret emails. 60 minutes asserted Democratic Party candidates were denied election victories as a result of the email releases.  However, the episode hid from the public what was actually discovered in the emails .

The Party's secret emails revealed the real collusion during the 2016 elections was between the media and Hillary Clinton's Campaign. It was the media that tried to manipulate US elections.

For example, one email displayed a list of reporters expected to attend an 'off the record" secret dinner meeting with Hillary's staff at John Podesta's house on April 9 2015. Podesta  was the Chair of Hillary Clinton's 2016 U.S. presidential campaign,  The list includes:

Liz Kreutz (ABCnews)
Julie Pace (AP)
Ken Thomas (AP)
Lisa Lerer (AP)
April Ryan (American Urban Radio Network)
Jennifer Epstein (Bloomberg )
Ruby Cramer  (Buzzfeed )
Steve Chagaris (CBSNews)
John Harwood (CNBC)
Dan Merica (CNN)
Amanda Terkel (Huffington Post )
Evan Handler (Los Angelos Times)
Anita Kumar (McClatchy )
Alex Seitz-Wald (MSNBC)
Mark Murray (NBC)
Tamara Keith (NPR)
Amy Chozik (New York TImes)
Maggie Haberman (New York TImes)
Annie Karni (Politico)
Gabe Debenedetti (Politico)
Amanda Becker (Reuters)
Anne Gearan (Washington Post)
Laura Meckler (Wall Street Journal)
Peter Nicholas (Wall Street Journal)
Colleen McCain Nelson (Wall Street Journal)

Another 'off-the record' meeting at Joel Beneson's (chief strategist for Hillary Clinton) house occurred on April 10. This meeting also included many reporters.  The names of the reporters along with a memo concerning the meeting appear below.

Additionally, a Democratic Party email indicated reporter Maggie Haberman operated as a spin doctor for Hillary Clinton when Haberman wrote for Politico. She currently works for the New York Times.  Another email revealed the chief political correspondent for Politico,  Glenn Thrush, sent an entire section of an article to Podesta for approval.

60 minutes revealed none of this information in their segment. Instead, their investigative segment gave viewers the impression that the Russians prevented Democratic candidates from winning elections. It seemed as if the entire segment was a political ad stating 'Vote for the Democratic Party'. An additional purpose of the segment was to divert public attention away from the only real collusion that occurred during the 2016 elections - a collusion between the media and Hilary Clinton's campaign.

Liberal Media Trying To Stamp Out Dissent

 MSNBC “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski recently stated: "I’m seeing a lot of people saying, ‘Please buy Fox News’ on Twitter to [Michael Bloomberg] — You know, ‘Please make that your first campaign move.’ He does have the money,”.

Washington Post Writers Want Race Based Hiring and Advancement

The Journalist Union for the Washington Post  conducted a study of pay among its members.

The study stated:
"The Post tends to give merit raises based on performance evaluation scores, but those who score the highest are overwhelmingly white. The Post is fairly consistent across races/ethnicities and genders at awarding raises to those who do well on performance evaluations."
"As a result of these findings, the union said it wants the newspaper to “hire an equity, diversity and inclusion chair/consultant and form a diversity committee” in order to “hold the company accountable in creating an equitable and diverse workplace,” 
The Union is angered that those who had the best evaluations received the most pay. The writers want the merit system replaced with a system where pay is related to ethnic background.  Additionally, the Union wants the paper to hire journalists on the basis of their ethnic background rather than experience and skill.

This kind of narrow minded, racist mentality partly explains why the newspaper often produces biased articles promoting various agendas.

CNN Tries to Bolster Image of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

CNN has recently been trying to bolster the image of terrorist Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

CNN's Brian Stelter claimed Donald Trump “made up” the story about ISIS head “whimpering and screaming”. CNN fact checker Daniel Dale stated "This brings us to last weekend, because the president claimed repeatedly that this dead terrorist was whimpering and crying right before he blew himself up. The ‘New York Times’ looked into sources who have no idea what the president is talking about, and we’ve heard attorneys on the record saying they can’t confirm any whimpering, any crying. "

CNN is trying to upgrade the image of a man responsible for thousands of deaths and ethnic cleansing across Iraq and Syria.  They would rather bolster the image of a terrorist than give the president credit for his elimination. This is an example of media spin doctoring and a news agency promoting its own political agenda.