Washington Post Writers Want Race Based Hiring and Advancement

The Journalist Union for the Washington Post  conducted a study of pay among its members.

The study stated:
"The Post tends to give merit raises based on performance evaluation scores, but those who score the highest are overwhelmingly white. The Post is fairly consistent across races/ethnicities and genders at awarding raises to those who do well on performance evaluations."
"As a result of these findings, the union said it wants the newspaper to “hire an equity, diversity and inclusion chair/consultant and form a diversity committee” in order to “hold the company accountable in creating an equitable and diverse workplace,” 
The Union is angered that those who had the best evaluations received the most pay. The writers want the merit system replaced with a system where pay is related to ethnic background.  Additionally, the Union wants the paper to hire journalists on the basis of their ethnic background rather than experience and skill.

This kind of narrow minded, racist mentality partly explains why the newspaper often produces biased articles promoting various agendas.

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