Liberal Media Trying To Stamp Out Dissent

 MSNBC “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski recently stated: "I’m seeing a lot of people saying, ‘Please buy Fox News’ on Twitter to [Michael Bloomberg] — You know, ‘Please make that your first campaign move.’ He does have the money,”.

 Associated Press White House reporter Jonathan Lemire,  added, “[Bloomberg] could buy Fox News several times over, I think. There has certainly been some of that from the Democratic field, suggesting that if Bloomberg wanted to make a positive impact on this race he should use his money in a different fashion.”

This is another example of the liberal totalitarian media - as well as liberals in general - acting like the old Soviet Union. If someone has a viewpoint that is not socialist or not identical to their own, liberals want it stamped out. They are intolerant tyrants who want to control people. They want to create a new Soviet Union in the United States - complete with Soviet style concentration camps for anyone who disagrees with them.

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