Walt Disney Company and Papa John's Endorse Violence

Commenting on the recent violence, riots and looting in multiple  US cities, journalist Tucker Carlson stated “This may be a lot of things, this moment we’re living through, but it is definitely not about Black lives,” And remember that when they come for you — and at this rate, they will.”

His statement enraged the CEO's of Walt Disney and Papa John's. They were angered Carlson would criticize assaults against people and the looting of middle class businesses.  Both companies said they will no longer advertise on his talk show as a result of his statements and that any criticism of the rioters should be forbidden. T-Mobile agreed with Disney and Papa Johns's. Its Chief Executive Mike Sievert, tweeted "Bye-bye, Tucker Carlson!”  T Mobile has not advertised on Carslon's show since May. All three companies were similarly dismayed at rapper Trina for criticizing the riots..

There was significant looting and violence across the US after George Floyd was needlessly killed by police. In California, people broke into stores, stole merchandise and began attacking others. In Santa Monica, rioters assaulted local citizens. In Minneapolis, looters attacked a woman in wheel chair who they claimed had attacked them.

Tucker Carlson showed video evidence of looting and assaults on citizens  in Washington D.C., South Carolina, New York, Dallas and San Jose. (See video clip below)

Walt Disney and Papa John's wants Americans to know they they will oppose any criticism of looting and violence against citizens. Therefore, spending money on Disney or Papa Johns in essence is supporting violence.

In addition to these two companies, there is a neo Soviet Group called 'Sleeping Giants' that is pressuring other companies to stop advertising on Carlson's show. This group wants an end to capitalism, an end to the middle class (which it views as a threat to socialism) and the establishment of a Soviet style political system. They want any political dissent stamped out. Sleeping Giants is pressuring an array of businesses to stop advertising on any TV show that is critical of left wing violence. At the time of this post, its unknown if Sleeping Giants will begin attacking Trina. The neo Soviet group is demanding businesses only advertise on shows and magazines that advocate socialism. It is reported that the group currently meets in a room in New York  underneath a 3' bust of Stalin which is mounted on some type of shelving. However, no picture evidence has yet been produced.

Left wing tyrants in America are trying to eliminate any viewpoint that is not the same as their own.

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