Foreign Interference in America

A group of 90 House and Senate Democrats are demanding President Trump’s administration halt all border wall construction at the United States-Mexico border during the coronavirus crisis.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), along with 24 other Senate Democrats and 66 House Democrats, have sent a letter to the Department of Homeland Security, the Defense Department, and the Department of Justice requesting a halt on border wall construction.

“While our country to combat the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, continuing border wall construction places local communities at unnecessary risk,” the Democrats wrote. “We request that during this crisis, all border wall construction halt immediately.”

Since construction is outdoors, any risk to each other is minimal. Construction workers can wear masks if necessary. Its much safer than allowing CNN or New York Times reporters & crew to enter any neighborhood they wish, thereby possibly infecting dozens of local communities. Yet no one questions the free movement of reporters. Similarly, the much safer movement of construction workers should be allowed.

In addition, the wall shields America from thousands of potential foreign virus carriers from simply walking into the country and infecting many American citizens.

The fact that the Democratic Party wants the wall stopped so that foreigners can easily enter the country would seem evidence of foreign interference in American affairs. It would be to the benefit of foreign governments if many of their infected citizens left the country. It would also benefit foreign governments if many of their citizens requiring government funded programs left the country. This would allow the foreign countries to become virus free and more financially solvent in a relatively short time. Conversely, allowing these foreign citizens into the US, increases American Coronavirus cases and increases the financial burden on the middle and working classes. These two classes will be taxed in order fund programs for foreigners.

It appears the Democratic Party is in collusion with one or more foreign governments. They no longer have American interests in mind. One cant help wondering if members of the Party's upper echelon are being paid by foreign governments to represent their interest.

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