This Is Biden's America

Trump supporters held a rally in Washington DC on November 14. After the rally violent Democratic Party supporters attacked some of them

In one instance, a man was continuously harassed and assaulted with smacks to the head by two violent totalitarian women as he left the rally. Other Democrats harassed him as he continued trying to walk away. As he continued walking the harassment increased. The man then became angry at the constant attacks and turned toward the totalitarian Democrats and pushed them back. The photo below shows a communist then sucker punching the man in the back of the head knocking him out. Two other violent  women then stomped on his head while he lay on the ground. 

Meanwhile other Democrats began attacking another nearby Trump supporter. That supporter managed to run thru the totalitarians and fled the area. 

Yet another group of Biden supporters harassed a women with two children.  She had attended the Trump rally. The violent communists then attacked a man who was trying to help her. A video of the  attack by Democrats' can be seen below.

This is what the Democratic Party represents. Violent totalitarians who think that they should control people.

This is Biden's America. Voting for Biden is the same as voting for intolerance and violence.


CNN Insults Non African Americans

Two left wing racist reporters at CNN recently marginalized the non  Black population of Philadelphia. The reporters were discussing President Trump's claim of voter manipulation in Philadelphia and Detroit. The CNN reporters stated the president singled out these city's because they are black. A video of the racists appears below.

Most people in Philadelphia are not black. A full 60% of the city is either white, Asian or Latino

As a non Black native and former resident of the city I find their remarks insulting. These two bigots are saying that if your skin color is not a certain pigmentation than you dont count. Your not a real resident of the city and that you simply dont matter. 

Whats clear is that both of these ignoramuses are incapable of judging people on the basis of their actions. To both of them, a person is only a skin color.

Left wing bigotry is a growing problem throughout the media.  The racists at CNN show that it is becoming deeply ingrained in their culture.

Communist Antifa Attacks Black Man in San Francisco

The violent communist group Antifa attacked a black man in San Francisco. 

Philip Anderson had organized a free speech rally in San Francisco. There was a communist counter protest organized by Antifa. 

The Marxist were angry and yelling at the free speech attendees. Anderson tried to assist one man walking thru the left wing counter protesters trying attend the free speech  As they walked through the crowd, an Antifa member came up from behind Anderson and punches him in the face. Anderson recoils from the hit and holds his ear and jaw. A few seconds later, the the Antifa member moves in again and punches Anderson in the mouth knocking out his two front teeth.  A woman in the background from Antifa can be heard taunting Anderson,  "Cry about it. Cry about it.”  A video of  the incident is shown here.   (Note: Click 'VIEW' at right on the tweet to see video) .  

Additionally, Antifa members can  be heard screaming the “N” several multiple times and yelling many obscenities.  Both Anderson and the man he was helping escape the left wing attackers by climbing over a police barricade.  Another video of the Antifa assault can be seen here.

Anderson managed to speak at his rally but Antifa interrupted it and shut it down. Police deemed the area no longer safe due to the violent communist group and escorted the attendees away from the area.

Anderson then  tweeted,  “Antifa attacked me for no reason. These people are racist terrorists." He latter defiantly tweeted a message to former Vice President Joe Biden "I have a question for you, Joe Biden,”“Do you still think Antifa is just an idea? This is what the ‘idea’ you’re talking about, Antifa, this is what they did to me.”  “I want you to answer that question, Joe Biden,”   

Unsurprisingly, the tweet enraged Stalinist Jack Dorsey who subsequently suspended the account.  

This is an example of why Section 230 should be revoked for Twitter. Its not a community platform.

Antifa is a violent neo Soviet group.                                                                 

American Media Suppresses Information

The New York Post published email evidence  presidential candidate Joe Biden lied when he said he’s never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings. The emails indicate Biden abused his power as vice president when he  pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating an energy company called Bursima. Biden's son, Hunter, was on the company's board and being paid $50,000 a month  even though he had no  energy sector experience and doesn’t speak any of the languages spoken in the Ukraine. (Note: Currently Google is blocking direct links to the New York Post article.The title of their story is: Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad ).

 In 2018, Joe Biden bragged to the Council on Foreign Relations about how he got that prosecutor fired. He said: “I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. He got fired.”

Facebook, Twitter, ABCNews and MSNBC, supressed the New York Post evidence. They were trying to limit the spread of information and shield their political Party from inconvenient questions.  

MSNBC reporter Kyle Griffin stated "No one should link to or share that NY Post 'report'. MSNBC reporter Hallie Jackson labeled the NY Post a source "tabloid" claiming its an unreliable.  ABCnews refused to report the story.  Twitter began blocking users from sharing or sending the New York Post article. They also locked the New York Post's Twitter account.  Facebook announced that it would be “reducing distribution” of the story  on its platform so that it could limit the number of users who could read it.

Facebook and Twitter have special protections that traditional media sites do not. They have the protection of Section 230. That legislation states "No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider."

Section 230 was intended to give everyone an outlet to voice their opinion on a platform that could be easily accessed. Each individual would be responsible for their own views, The community platforms they voiced these views on would not be held liable in a court of law. However, Facebook and Twitter have shown they are not community platforms. Instead, they are platforms promoting far left propaganda. The two organizations regularly suppress information that is damaging to socialism or detrimental to left wing political candidates. Everyone CANNOT voice their opinions on these platforms. Twitter's chief executive, Jack Dorsey, is an admirer of the Soviet system of censorship.

Section 230 should be revoked for both Facebook and Twitter. The legislation should not apply to them.  They are run similar to ABCNews or MSNBCnews  promoting specific political agenda. Therefore,  Facebook and Twitter should be held responsible for what they broadcast.

The American media suppresses information based on its political agenda.  They act totalitarian. They behave similar to tyrant governments in China, Cuba Venezuela and the old Soviet Union.

Evidence of Media Bias and Fraud

 A recent broadcast of MSNBCnews is an example of media bias and fraud. Their analyst said any potential violence in Louisville as result of police officers not being charged with murder in the Breonna Taylor case would be from white nationalists. 

 He stated: "I empathize with the people who are there in pain. I empathize with the protesters who are going to be home by 9:00. That’s the thing! The Black Lives Matter protesters, they’re going to take their signs, and they’re going to go home. And you’re going to have a whole bunch of interlopers and white nationalists and 3 Percenters and terrorists battling it out in the street like the ‘No Church in the Wild’ video, and that’s how the Black Lives Matter protesters will get depicted. "

"I’m not going to get pissed or do any sort of performative tears or rage or anything like that. And yet today, I can’t help it. I’m so disgusted by this. I’m so disgusted by Daniel Cameron’s performance. I am so sick and tired of black people going on the air and performing for violence and white supremacy and state-sponsored violence against black people and claiming their mamas, and because of black people, they care about it. This woman got shot in her house! When she was asleep! ”

MSNBC is promoting left wing racism. Much like Nazi's blamed Jews for anything in an effort to promote hate, MSNBC reporters blame whites for everything in an effort to promote left wing bigotry and divisiveness.   All the violence in Louisville  was conducted by left wing groups Antifa and BLM.  Here is an example from May. Here is an example from September. Here is another example from September.

None of the violence is from white nationalists. There were only violent left wing rioters. Additionally, the biased MSNBC reporter  refused to mention the fact an investigation into the case found police knocked on Taylor's door and announced their presence. Someone in the apartment then fired at the officers. Police initially said it was Breonna's boyfriend who fired. However, her boyfirend claimed it was Breonna who fired at police.  The news organization casually omits inconvenient facts.

Another example media lies is CNN's 'fact checking'. During the September presidential debate, Trump stated he stopped all incoming travel from China in January as a result of the coronavirus. Trump then said to his oponent  Joe Biden  “I closed it, and you said, ‘He’s xenophobic. He’s a racist, and he’s xenophobic’ because you didn’t think I should have closed our country.”

 CNN fact checked Trump's  claim about Biden's statements. The news organization ruled  the claim as' dubious'. CNN said “It’s not clear Biden even knew about Trump’s China travel restrictions when he called Trump xenophobic on the day the restrictions were unveiled; Biden has never explicitly linked his accusation of xenophobia to these travel restrictions".

 Yet on March 18th,  when Trump tweeted, “I always treated the Chinese Virus very seriously and have done a good job since the beginning, including my very early decision to close the borders from China — against the wishes of almost all. Many lives were saved. The Fake News new narrative is disgraceful & false!” Biden responded, “Stop the xenophobic fear-mongering. Be honest. Take responsibility. Do your job.” 

Nearly two months after the ban, Biden was still calling it xenophobic. CNN's 'fact check' was a lie. The news organization will tell any lie if they believe it will help their political party gain power.

In another example of media lies, an ESPN reporter stated: "a big percentage of (the protests) that wasn’t peaceful is actually … extremist right-wing agitators posing as protesters in order to make the protests look bad.” Its widely known that Antifa is a violent left wing group. They have attacked people throughout the country particularly in Seattle and Portland. Additionally, BLM founders state they are trained Marxist.  Here is video evidence of left wing violence.

ESPN is protecting fellow left wing totalitarians.

A final example is New York  Times columnist Thomas Friedman.  The longtime advocate of a socialist police state appeared on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360, Friedman stated: “Anderson, you know, I began my career as a journalist covering Lebanon’s second civil war and its history. And I’m terrified to find myself ending my career as a journalist covering America’s potential second civil war in its history.” Yes, I think what happened in the last few days is a six-alarm fire,”  “I think it’s DEFCON 5. The President of the United States has told us either I win the election, or I delegitimize the election.  

Freidman is promoting his own political agenda. Trump never said he wouldn't concede under any conditions. THAT WAS HILLARY'S CLINTON'S RECOMMENDATION TO HER PARTY'S PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE JOE BIDEN. She said "Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances,"  Freidman's own political Party is beginning to mimic totalitarian factions such as Venezuela's United Socialist Party  or Cuba's  Communist Party.         

The left wing media has no problem lying to the public. Their main interest is promoting their political agenda. Undermining democracy and encouraging divisiveness is their main goal. Most news organizations in the US are totalitarian socialists. They want democracy replaced by a system of government where they can control people.

Jake Gardner, Victim of Left Wing Violence Commits Suicide

In May, violent left wing riots occurred in Omaha, Nebraska.  Many of the Antifa rioters intended to burn businesses. Communist Antifa burns  businesses because they want capitalism eliminated and replaced with a socialist police state. During the Omaha riots, multiple left wing totalitarians, including James Scurlock attacked business owner and Iraqi War veteran  Jake Gardner. Attacks against people are  a common occurrence during Antifa and BLM demonstrations. The attacking left wing rioters appeared angry that Gardner's skin color was white and that he wanted to protect his business. Defending himself from the violent attack, Gardner initially fired warning shots. Several left wing tyrants fled. However Scurlock then attacked Gardner. Jake Gardner then shot and killed Scurlock during the assault. 

Below is a partial video of the left wing attack.  Douglas County Prosecutor, Don Kleine, narrates the video. A more complete video and narration of the entire confrontation can be seen here.

Initially,  Kleine determined Gardner acted in self-defense and did not file charges in the case. Gardner did not initiate any confrontation. It was the left wing rioters who initiated the entire confrontation by storming into the city and attacking businesses.

However, Klein's  self defense ruling enraged left wing tyrants. They claimed they had the right to burn businesses and attack people in the name of socialism.

Further violent left wing protests erupted in Omaha. They demanded Gardenr be arrested. As a result of political pressure, Kleine  petitioned the County to appoint a special prosecutor and convene a grand jury to review the incident. Under the direction of Special Prosecutor Frederick Franklin , a grand jury agreed to charge Gardner,  with four felonies on September 18.  Franklin had argued Gardner had intent to murder someone while the violent left wing protesters had no intentions of harming anyone.

 Following Scurlock's death, Gardner began receiving death threats,. He decided to leave Omaha and went to California. Apparently he had fellow veteran friends in that state. Upon receiving news of his indictment, his attorney, Stu Dornan, stated "The grand jury indictment was a shock to him, He was really shook up." Dorman said Gardner was difficult to reach due to the fires in California, but that he did intend to return to Omaha. He was going to be accompanied back to Omaha by a fellow veteran.  Tom Monaghan (Gardner's other attorney) said. "Jake was worried he was going to get shot on the way here, that some of those folks [who] gave him death threats...would carry through with them,"  Gardner believed he would not get a fair trail. Somehow he ended up in Portland Oregon where police claim he committed suicide on September 22.

Nebraska State Senator Meghan Hunt (pictured below) responded to Gardner's suicide by stating:

"Jake Gardner is gone, but the white supremacist attitudes that emboldened him are still with us today,”
“Healing ourselves of white supremacy is so difficult and takes so long because it requires us to confront ourselves,”
"For white supremacy to be persistently rejected, it first needs to be unlearned. Sometimes over and over. We wish unlearning racism could be as simple as denouncing a white hood, a burnt cross, vile language. But we have to address where supremacy begins, not just where it ends,"
"White supremacist violence now makes up the majority of domestic terror in the US."

Gardner had no ties to any white supremacists group. Its ignorant racist attitudes like Hunt's that may have caused his suicide. This left wing politician based her statements on Gardner's skin color and the fact he defended himself against violent left wing extremists.

White supremacists are not a threat to democracy simply because there are so few of them. The real threat to democracy are violent left wing totalitarians such as Nebraska State Senator Meghan Hunt. She judges people on the basis of their skin color not actions. She claims any white person who is not a socialist is a white supremacist. She makes excuses for left wing violence perpetrated by Antifa or BLM and she wants anyone defending themselves against  left wing physical  attacks arrested.  She is a left wing racist and tyrant. She is part of the problem.


Violent Left Wing Rioters

Violent left wing riots have plagued many US cities for the past several months. Recently, multiple rioters have finally actually been charge with crimes. 

In Delaware, two left wing  women were charged with hate crimes for their attack on two President Trump supporters. In Pittsburgh, PA violent left wing rioters  were charged with disorderly conduct, conspiracy, theft and harassment. The left wing tyrants yelled racial slurs and harassed outdoor restaurant patrons in the city.

However, in Washington DC, violent left wing rioters  have not been held accountable for their actions.  A group of left wing totalitarians harassed, and attacked pro-Trump supporters in the city, including an elderly couple wearing “Trump 2020” t-shirts.  A video shows the elderly couple being harassed and a violent left wing women can be seen assaulting the old man as he walked with his wife.  The woman was enraged the couple supported President Trump. She has not been identified and DC police aren't looking for her.  She has been shielded by left wing news organizations such a s CNN, NBCnews and New York Times as well a mayor Muriel Bowser. A picture of  the tyrant appears below.

Imagine the media outcry if right wing racists harassed and threatened an elderly black couple wearing an Obama shirt and one of the right wingers assaulted the old black man.

Violent left wing tyrants need to be held accountable for their actions. They have no right to attack people or burn other people's property. They act like the old Soviet KGB or present day Venezuela's oppressive socialist regime.

A Man Defies Black Lives Matter

One man stood up and defied Black Lives Matter recently (BLM). He stood in front of them and shouted 'All Lives MAtter' sending the left wing bigots scurrying around like ants whose nest was disturbed. BLM was angered anyone would claim every life matters and is equally valuable. A complete video of the incident is here.

This is a person who should be shown on news networks as an example of standing for equality not somebody burning buildings, looting and assaulting people.

BLM Activists Harass White Neighborhood

Seattle Black Lives Matter (BLM)  activists harassed a white neighborhood. They demanded that the white home owners leave the area and give their houses to black people.

BLM was angered that the neighborhood was previously predominantly black but is now predominantly white. 

President Trump Supporter Assassinated in Milwaukee

Bernell Trammell, 60, a staunch supporter of president Trump,  was assassinated in front of his Milwaukee. business, Expression Publications.  Law enforcement said Trammell was shot in broad daylight while he was sitting on the sidewalk in front of his store. After the shooting, the assassin quickly fled the scene. Nothing was stolen from his store.

Trammell had regularly campaigned for the President in his neighborhood and talked with locals in front of City Hall in downtown Milwaukee. He  was known for carrying handmade signs through the streets reading “Vote Donald Trump 2020,” and posting them on his storefront. 

Hours before his assassination, he was interviewed about his support for Trump.  Trammell stated “I am encouraging Afro Americans from all walks in life & culture,here in Wisconsin, particularly here in Milwaukee  to vote for Donald Trump." "I believe that Trump is the sign of the times," He also stated that Trump’s respect for rapper Kanye West and his willingness to let (former aid) Omarosa Manigault Newman run his staff made him good choice for president.

No arrests have been made thus far. 

Its possible the assassin is associated with BLM or neo Soviet Antifa . Both totalitarian groups are known for violence against Trump supporters.  Its also possible the assassin is associated with the local Democratic Party. That political Party viewed Trammel as a threat to their power.

ABCNews Claims There Are Too Many White People at Parks

 In a news segment titled "America's Great White Outdoors", ABCNews claimed that the "whiteness" of America's parks is a crisis.

They interviewed Ambreen Tariq, founder of Brown People Camping.  She said "When you look around you dont see people you identify with". She complained that because so many people didnt have the same skin color as her, she felt unwelcomed and out of place.  Incredibly,  she is incapable of saying 'Hello" to anyone simply because they don't look like her. 

 ABCNews then expressed anger because it claimed that 77% of park visitors were white. Why that is  horrible was never explained. Nor was it explained why anyone should even care about the skin color of park attendees  Additionally, ABCNews stated only 20% of Park service employees were non white and tacitly advocated less white employees be hired in favor of Afro Americans. Their segment implied  blacks can only relate to black Rangers and black information personal. Imagine someone implying that whites can only relate to white Rangers. Imagine someone claiming there are too many black NBA players so the league should hire less blacks and more whites and Latino players so that they can better relate to fans. If someone is so narrow minded that they can only relate to people who look like themselves, they need to say out of the National Parks.

 ABCNews also interviewed Danielle Williams of "Diversity Outdoors".   In a truly ironic statement, Williams, who is black,  stated "You are worried about just having a negative interaction based solely on the color of your skin".  This statement describes the entire ABCNews segment. The news origination has a negative reaction to certain people (ie white) simply because of the color of their skin.

What kind of news organization produces such a racist segment? Their whole "report" emphasized that people can and should only associate with those who look like themselves. The "report" also displayed the news organization's  anti white sentiment. ABCNews appears to have an ingrained culture of left wing racism.

Violent Left Wing Group Antifa Attacks Michelle Malkin

Neo Soviets from the violent left wing organization Antifa attacked Michelle Malkin and her group attempting to silence them. Malkin wanted to give a pro police speech when totalitarians from Antifa attacked her with a baton. Malkin said that Antifa also sprayed her and others with aerosol string as they were trying to give a speech on stage. BLM activists also participated in the violence. A partial video of the attack is shown here:

Seattle's Communist "Summer of Love" a Complete Failure

During June, left wing extremists took over part of Seattle and declared it an independent country, They named their country CHOP (Capital Hill Occupied Protest). The city's mayor, Jenny Durkan, stated CHOP  "is more like a block party atmosphere"  "We could have the Summer of Love". Instead, CHOP became a left wing totalitarian state where free speech was stamped out, racism was institutionalized and violence became a common occurrence.

On June 14, a man and a woman walked into CHOP each carrying an American flag. They were immediately harassed by the "citizens" of 'free speech' CHOP. Ultimate, both people had their flags stolen. They were then physically escorted out of the area. One CHOP citizen stated "When you fly that flag it's offensive,". Ironically, he was wearing an emblem from the murderous totalitarian police state of the Soviet Union.

CHOP also set up several gardens based on race. One garden was exclusive to black and indigenous people. Another garden was for whites and possibly Latinos. It remains uncertain if there was yet another garden for Asians or they could take food from the white/Latino garden. CHOP also set up segregated areas for blacks.

Lastly, CHOP became a 'country' of violence. There were multiple shootings and deaths. A 16 year old and 19 year old were killed.  A 14 year old, was in critical condition. Additionally there were multiple fights. Seattle's police chief, Carmen Best,, said Chop was “not safe for anybody

After the country of CHOP was eliminated. several lawsuits against Seattle were filed. The first lawsuit, filled by more than a dozen business and property owners  located in and near CHOP claimed  their rights had been “overrun by the city of Seattle’s decision to abandon their neighborhood.” The second lawsuit, filed by attorney Jacob Bozeman against Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan and Washington State Governor Jay Inslee, is a class action lawsuit by residents arguing the CHOP “violated the Constitutional rights of everyone who lives, works, or passes through the area.”

In addition to the lawsuits, left wing mayor Durkan and socialist Councilwoman Kshama Sawant are now fighting each other. Sawamt and dozens of other people protested outside the mayor's house. They demanded Seattle leave CHOP intact.  Durkan responded by  calling for the City Council to investigate  Sawant over her "contemptuous behavior" during anti-police protests and other alleged abuses of office. She is also accusing  Sawant of allowing hundreds of protesters into City Hall after hours and without following coronavirus health guidelines,. In an email to City Council President Lorena Gonzalez, the mayor argued that Sawant is using her position as a city official “in violation of law” and for “recklessly” undermining other people’s safety “for political theatre".  Sawant has stated she wants an end to capitalism.

When voters elect left wing mayors such as Jenny Durkan (or socialist politicians like Kshama Sawant) violence and authoritarianism  are the end result. Durkan claimed CHOP would be a summer of love. Instead, CHOP became a symbol of left wing  totalitarianism and intolerance.

Racism At the Washington Post

The Washington Post’s global opinions editor Karen Attiah tweeted "The lies and tears of white women hath wrought"

Attiah tweeted a list of incidents she claimed came about due to “the lies & tears of white women.” Included in this list are “The 1921 Tulsa Massacre” and “53% of white women voting for [President Donald] Trump.” “White women are lucky that we are just calling them ‘Karen’s,'” Attiah tweeted. “And not calling for revenge.

Blaming an entire race for an incident and stereotyping an entire race is part of the culture of being a Washington Post reporter.  Attiah is also demanding white women vote  only for candidates that the newspaper supports. Totalitarianism is also part of the Washington Post culture. The news organization believes it should dictate how people vote. Attiah seems threatened by the fact blacks achieved their highest employment rate  in history under President Trump.

NBCNews Continues Anti Asian Program and Attacks Whites

NBCNews recently discovered  officer Derek Chauvin, who has been charged with murdering George Floyd,  was married to an Asian woman. They stated:
The Chauvins’ interracial marriage  has also stirred up some strong feelings towards Kellie Chauvin among many, including Asian American men, for her relationship to a white man, including accusations of self-loathing and complicity with white supremacy.

Seattle Under Mayor Jenny Durkan

When voters elect liberal mayors such as Jenny Durkan, an environment of violence and chaos is the end result.

Seattle Riots

Seattle's CHOP Crime

Cities have these problems because the same type of politician keeps getting elected over and over again.

Walt Disney Company and Papa John's Endorse Violence

Commenting on the recent violence, riots and looting in multiple  US cities, journalist Tucker Carlson stated “This may be a lot of things, this moment we’re living through, but it is definitely not about Black lives,” And remember that when they come for you — and at this rate, they will.”

His statement enraged the CEO's of Walt Disney and Papa John's. They were angered Carlson would criticize assaults against people and the looting of middle class businesses.  Both companies said they will no longer advertise on his talk show as a result of his statements and that any criticism of the rioters should be forbidden. T-Mobile agreed with Disney and Papa Johns's. Its Chief Executive Mike Sievert, tweeted "Bye-bye, Tucker Carlson!”  T Mobile has not advertised on Carslon's show since May. All three companies were similarly dismayed at rapper Trina for criticizing the riots..

NBCNews and Yahoonews Begin Program of Anti Asian Propaganda.

With a mix of left wing racism and a bid to control the Asian community, NBCNews and Yahoonews have teamed up to begin a program of disinformation and divisiveness.  Their racist article titled 'One officer's presence at George Floyd's fatal arrest spotlights another racial divide'  states:
The image of now-fired Hmong American police officer Tou Thao, standing with his back turned as George Floyd died last Monday in Minneapolis police custody, has ignited a discussion around how to approach the topic of anti-blackness in the Asian American community
Thao has been described by activists as a symbol of Asian American complicity in anti-blackness following the death of Floyd, a black man who begged for his life while then-officer Derek Chauvin dug his knee into his neck.

Left Wing Actors Advocate Violence

 Commenting on the recent burning and looting of an array of busiinesses in Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago, left wing actor John Cusack stated  "I hope this keeps up till trump flys away in a fucking helicopter - its time - people should not swallow another moment of fascism. Fight till he's gone.

For much of privileged Hollywood, calling for the burning of middle class businesses is normal. As left wing extremists, they view the middle and working classes as a threat to any socialist police state and thus want these classes gone. These actors don't want any looting or burning in their privileged neighborhoods. They want burning only of middle class businesses. This is a classic neo Soviet mentality.

Unsurprisingly, staunch Stalinist Jack Dorsey has refused to censor Cusak despite the fact Twitter's owner stated he will censor  tweets that glorify violence.

CBSNews and the Media's Racial Double Standard

"CBS This Morning" anchor Gayle King grew emotional on air Tuesday morning while reporting on two allegedly racist incidents involving black men.   One was of  a white woman falsely accusing a black man of threatening her in New York City, which the man recorded on his cellphone in a video that has gone viral. The other report was of a black suspect being held down by an officer. The officer was using his knee to press down on the man’s neck. Ultimately the man was unable to breathe and died.

The CBS journalist stated:

Democratic Party Undermines American Workers

The Democratic Party has introduced a bill to pay millions of dollars to illegal immigrants (foreigners) and encourage them to take American jobs.

Why is this country paying foreigners? Where is this money coming from?  Why isnt the Party trying to increase American employment? Are the Democrat even an American Party anymore? They appear to be representing foreign rather than American interests.

New York Times Threatens Free Speech and Medical Research

President Trump recently speculated on possible treatments for the cornavirus that medical researchers were testing. One such treatment he speculated on was using UV light inside the body "either thru the skin or some other way". The New York Times claimed the President was ridiculous and stated "Experts have long warned that ultraviolet lamps can harm humans if used improperly — when the exposure is outside the body, much less inside. The link between ultraviolet light and skin cancer is well established."

New York Times Promotes Left Wing Racist Propaganda

The New York Times recently posted an article titled:  Job or Health? Restarting the Economy Threatens to Worsen Economic Inequality

The Times stated:
"The coronavirus recession has exacerbated the racial and income divides in America. Lifting restrictions too soon will make them worse and leave workers with a bleak choice.”
Huh? They claim locking people out of their jobs exacerbates inequality but then claims allowing workers to go back to their jobs will make inequality worse.

The Times continued:
 "In 2018, the typical Hispanic household earned three-quarters of what a typical white household earned, according to census data. The typical black household earned three-fifths of what the typical white household earned, and their household income had yet to return to pre-financial-crisis highs."
“The virus has only exacerbated that inequality, with minorities suffering both higher death rates and more financial harm,”

Left Wing Media Outlets Try to Stamp Out Dissent

In a move reminiscent of the old Soviet Union, left wing reporters have began attacking middle class protesters.

Many middle class workers, particularly in the mid west have began protesting against stay at home orders. They increasing view the orders as a form of Stalinism. They want to go back to work and get a pay check. Many are having trouble paying their bills.

However, left wing media outlets such as Yahoonews, Associated Press and Washington Post see independent thinking protesters as a threat to any future socialist police state. These media outlets want the middle class to say home. They want these citizens barred from their jobs. In an effort to stamp out the protests, left wing journalists are tying to undermine the credibility of the protesters. Media outlets are claiming claiming the protesters are drones being controlled by InfoWars or  Gun Rights Groups or Conservative political groups. This is a media disinformation campaign.

Foreign Interference in America

A group of 90 House and Senate Democrats are demanding President Trump’s administration halt all border wall construction at the United States-Mexico border during the coronavirus crisis.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), along with 24 other Senate Democrats and 66 House Democrats, have sent a letter to the Department of Homeland Security, the Defense Department, and the Department of Justice requesting a halt on border wall construction.

“While our country to combat the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, continuing border wall construction places local communities at unnecessary risk,” the Democrats wrote. “We request that during this crisis, all border wall construction halt immediately.”

Yahoo Sports Promotes Left Wing Racism Again

In their article titled "By saying he doesn't see race, Tom Brady acknowledges his privilege to be indifferent",  Yahoo Sports  espoused left wing racism. Its not the first time the news organization promoted such bigotry.

Yahoo's article states:
“I never saw race,” Brady said. “I think sports transcends race. It transcends wealth. It transcends all that. You get to know and appreciate what someone else may bring. When you’re in a locker room with 50 guys, you don’t think about race because you’re all in the same boat at that point.

ABCNews Spin Doctoring

ABCnews is an example of why the public is mistrustful of the media. They recently wrote an article about the upcoming November 2020 election. ABCnews claimed Trump is using the virus briefings as a de facto rally replacement.

Their article states:

Left Wing Media Weary of Airing President's Coronavirus Live Press Briefings

CNN, NBCNews and Washington Post have become hesitant about broadcasting President Trumps live public briefings on the coronavirus. Many journalists have expressed dismay that they were unable to spin doctor the president's statements due to the fact he is giving live broadcasts.

Top MSNBC anchors  and Washington Post reporters have  already argued publicly that their own network should not air the president’s pandemic briefings.

Disinformation and Hypocrisy from the Washington Post

Appearing on MSNBC’s “AM Joy, Washington Post columnist , ” Jennifer Rubin blamed media viewed by President Trump supporters  for downplaying the Coronavirus  threat and keeping their “core viewers” from taking precautions. She stated:
“There is a particular cruelty/irony that it is their [Fox News] core viewers, the Republican older viewers, who are the most at risk,” Rubin said. “And when you think about it, which party immediately canceled all of their rallies? Which party immediately started having their political figures really portray and use their lies as an example? It was the Democrats.”

CNN Promotes Panic, Confusion and Hypocrisy

CNN claimed President Trump created confusion with his recent policies concerning the coronavirius.

In its article ''Trump address sparks chaos as coronavirus crisis deepens' CNN stated:
President Donald Trump set out to steady a rattled nation and a diving economy in a solemn Oval Office address, but instead sowed more confusion and doubts that he is up to handling the fast-worsening coronavirus crisis.

Yahoo Sports Post Blatantly Racist Article

Yahoo Sports posted an article titled 'How black coaches are still struggling to find their place in the NBA'.  The article states:
"Pierce is one of seven African-American head coaches in the NBA, and the roll call was quite easy when he was prompted: Doc Rivers, Alvin Gentry, Nate McMillan, Dwane Casey, J.B. Bickerstaff and Monty Williams."
"That number may seem paltry, considering there are 30 teams and around 75 percent of the players are black, but it’s better than the other major professions sports, particularly the NFL."

Left Wing Thugs Attack Teens

An Indiana couple allegedly used a car as a weapon to force two teenage boys off a road..  The two left wing thugs were, angered that the twin brothers were riding bicycles with flags supporting President Donald Trump.

Hobart police said Snapchat videos helped officers secure charges against Kyren Gregory Perry-Jones, 23, and Cailyn Marie Smith, 18, in connection with the incident.

South Carolina's James Clyburn Dismisses Black Employment

Appearing Tuesday on the Fox Business Network, House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) dismissed record-low black unemployment under President Donald Trump, stating black Americans “were fully employed during slavery.”

Reporter Neil Cavuto asked "Let’s leave the words aside, whether you like his style or not, tweets or not, or comments or not, he’s delivered the goods for a lot of African-Americans. Does he not with record-low unemployment levels?… You don’t think that’s something that’s constructive?"

Clyburn responded "No, because it’s not true. I’m saying that the African American unemployment is not the lowest it’s ever been unless you count slavery… We were fully employed during slavery. So, it all depends how you measure this up."

Is Clyburn serious? Is he so ignorant and narrow minded that he would rather not celebrate falling black unemployment. Its as if he is threatened by decreasing black unemployment. Its a threat to his power.  If more black Americans are off welfare and working for themselves then he has no power over them. He cant control them.

James Clyburn

Left Wing Racism at MSNBC and CNN

Liberal news organizations MSNBC and CNN displayed more left wing racism recently.

MSNBC’s Joshua Johnson summed up Tuesday’s New Hampshire Democratic Primary vote by stating the electorate of New Hampshire and Iowa “are damn near the same.” He said he’s waiting for future states like Nevada and South Carolina to have a “better idea of where the electorate is going to go.”

Yahoonews Wants Voting Based on Left Wing Racism

In their article 'Should the Iowa caucuses come first?', the left news wing organization states:
It’s been a subject of debate in Democratic circles for years: Should Iowa — the sixth-whitest state in the nation — always be the first to vote for the presidential nominee of an increasingly diverse party.
In December, for instance, former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julián Castro went to Des Moines and told Iowans they shouldn’t vote first.

Stalinist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Attacks Democratic Party

In an interview with Atlantic correspondent Ta-Nehisi Coates. socialist congressional representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) stated the Democratic party does not represent the political left in the United States. She called the Party a “centre or centre-conservative”. She stated the Party “can’t even get a floor vote” on nationalizing health care.  "We don’t have a ‘left party’ in the United States.”

AOC said there are “left members inside the Democratic party” — including freshman congresswomen Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, among others — ”who are working to try to make that shift happen”.

The Stalinist stated  “There are a lot of true believers that we can ‘capitalism’ our way out of poverty. If anything, that’s probably the majority.”

She also believes a more Soviet approach should be used against protesters.  AOC stated: “There’s this gun rights protest that’s happening down in Richmond ... on MLK Day, but here’s the image that has struck me the most about that, is that when we go out and march for the dignity and the recognition of the lives of people like Freddie Gray and Eric Garner, the whole place is surrounded by police in riot gear without a gun in sight. And here are all of these people flying Confederate flags with semi-automatic weapons, and there’s almost no police officers at that protest. So who or what are our institutions protecting, from whom? That image conveys it all.”

Thus, any protest she disagrees with should be met with force. This was the old Soviet way of dealing with dissenters. It should be noted there were no riots nor violence during the gun rights protest in Richmond. However, there was wide spread violence during the Freddie Gray and Eric Garner protests - thus the need for officers during the two latter demonstrations.

AOC's views are so far left, she even classifies the Democratic Party as a centralist conservative Party.  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez should be classified as a neo Soviet totalitarian. She wants the government to control people and she wants to be part of that government.

America's Totalitarian Media Continues Its Biased Reporting

Left Wing Yahoonews continued its biased reporting concerning the attempted socialist coup against an American president.

In its article "Trump impeachment trial puts the fate of the republic at stake" the news organization blamed Trump for the country's current polarization.

The left wing organization stated:
"It’s almost inconceivable that either side would make such concessions, mild as they are, in 2020. That’s because Trump has been such an immensely polarizing president, disliked by a historically high number of Americans but still enjoying the support of a committed, steadfast base of supporters. 
There are no gray areas, no middle ground, no patch of ground on which to agree. 
Trump himself stokes this notion. “This Impeachment Hoax is an outrage!” he recently said on Twitter. Earlier, in a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, he called the impeachment inquiry an “unconstitutional abuse” that was “unequaled in nearly two and a half centuries of American legislative history. Clinton showed at least some contrition about the Lewinsky affair, while Trump has shown none at all,
It isnt Trump that is the extremist. Its the American media that is extremist. They try to undercut anyone who is not socialist. They claim anyone who isnt a socialist is an extremist or a Nazi or a racist. They broadcast this propaganda every single day.

Trump is simply responding to the lies, propaganda and biased reporting that is being done aginst him by America's totalitarian media. He has to say something to defend himself against the propaganda. If the media did not project so much extremism, people would not be entrenched in their positions as they are today.

Another left wing news organization (Associated Press) also attempted to undermine Trump. Their article stated:
"In his first formal response to impeachment charges, President Donald Trump misrepresented the testimony of a key witness who described an exchange of favors in the Ukraine matter. 
The claim marked a week of frequent exaggeration and distortion by the president heading into the opening statements of his impeachment trial.
Just as his tax cuts are far from the biggest in history, the economy isn't the best ever and his election victory in 2016 was no landslide of historic proportions, Trump's two trade deals don't stand atop the field of presidential endeavors. One is a partial settlement of trade grievances with China; the other is a refresh of what past presidents created for North America."
They then typed a long winded article claiming Trump is a liar and concluded with the statement
"He won with about 57% of electoral votes, a comfortable margin but no better than average or below average. Obama and Clinton each won bigger victories twice and many other presidents outperformed Trump. Moreover, Republican Trump lost the popular vote to Democrat Hillary Clinton, a rare occurrence for a winning candidate.
Trump routinely inflates the number of electoral votes he won, too."
Associated Press should not be considered a news organization. It has no sense of objectivity. AP is a left wing propaganda site promoting its own political agenda.

Left Wing Racism Is a Part of the Media's Culture

Yahoonews recently posted an article titled "Do Democrats Have a Diversity Problem"

The article states:
The exit of Castro, former secretary of housing and urban development in the Obama administration, provides another example of a minority candidate struggling as their white competitors have gained steam.
Sen. Kamala Harris, once considered among the frontrunners for the party’s nomination, dropped out in early December. The only other competitive African-American candidate, Sen. Cory Booker, has been polling in the low single digits for several months.
The Democratic field, which began as one of the most diverse ever, has winnowed to an all-white top tier of candidates. 
Castro echoed a popular sentiment among liberals in blaming the primary process for the lack of diversity in the field. Having the predominantly white states of Iowa and New Hampshire vote first, he argued, puts minority candidates at a disadvantage.
Several candidates, including Castro and Yang, have asked the Democratic National Committee to change its debate standards to allow a more diverse slate of candidates. 
“Part of the frustration has stemmed from the importance many primary voters have placed on defeating Mr. Trump. Some Democrats believe they have focused too much on appealing to white, non-college-educated voters who supported the Republican in states Mr. Obama won, such as Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, rather than boosting turnout among young and nonwhite voters who make up the party’s base.” said Ken Thomas, of Wall Street Journal
“An all-white debate stage might come off like a two-hour infomercial for minority voters about how the party doesn’t look like them.” said Edward-Isaac Dovere, Atlantic
Liberal politicians and mainstream media journalists continuously judge the value and qualification of a political candidate on the basis of their skin color. This is nothing more than left wing racism. Skin color is irrelavant. Policies and ideas are what matters. The narrow liberal racist mindset is unable to grasp this concept.

NBCNews Exhibits More Biased Reporting

On an appearance on BuzzFeed News morning show “AM to DM.”, Jillian MIchaels stated "Why are we celebrating her body? Why does it matter? Why aren’t we celebrating her music?”“Because it isn’t going to be awesome if she gets diabetes.”  "there's never been a moment where I'm like, 'And I'm so glad she's overweight.'"

 NBCNews was outraged. They produced an article titled "Jillian Michaels criticized for saying Lizzo's body shouldn't be 'celebrated"

 The article included statements such as
 Honestly can the world just get off Lizzo’s d--- already? The woman can outrun, out dance, out sing, out sex, out earn and out do most of the wastes of space who pointlessly take time out of their day to criticize her," "The Good Place" actress Jameela Jamil tweeted.
 Lizzo is celebrated because not only is she talented, she shows other girls to love themselves no matter what," Tony Posnanaski, an artist, wrote on Twitter. "Jillian Michaels can only trend for being an a------." 
"@JillianMichaels participates in the diet industry & profits from us hating our bodies. Don’t listen to her," Sami Schalk, an assistant professor of gender & women’s studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, tweeted. "You can be fat & healthy. Besides, health is not a barometer for a person’s value.
Though a number of people agreed with Michaels in the comment section of the post, others said that she should not be commenting on Lizzo's body unless she's the singer's doctor.
The  statement from  the University of Madison feminist professor is outright fraud. Fat is NOT healthy.

NBCNews attempted to smear Michaels.

However,the public response appears to support Michaels not NBCNews. For example, liberal Yahoonews wrote an article titled 'Jillian Michaels criticized for ‘gross’ comments on Lizzo’s body'  This article was similar to the NBCNews article in attempting to smear Michaels.  However, the public overwhelmingly sided with Michaels and blasted Yahoonews. The top comments appear below.

The NBCnews article is another example of the media promoting its own agenda rather than facts and objectivity.

Kaepernick Diplsays Racism

Former NFL quarterback and current Nike spokesman, Colin Kaepernick, displayed outright racism recently.

In response to the US killing of Iranian Maj. General Qassem Soleimani,   Kaepernick stated :
 "There is nothing new about American terrorist attacks against Black and Brown people for the expansion of American imperialism."
 "America has always sanctioned and besieged Black and Brown bodies both at home and abroad. America militarism is the weapon wielded by American imperialism, to enforce its policing and plundering of the non white world."

Soleimani is known to be responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Americans  in Iraq and waves of terrorist attacks against Israel.  Cmdr. Sean Robertson, a spokesman for the Defense Department, said "the casualties were the result of explosively formed penetrators, other improvised explosive devices, improvised rocket-assisted munitions, rockets, mortars, rocket-propelled grenades, small-arms, sniper, and other attacks in Iraq."   In 2011 he was  designated a terrorist by the US.

Yet Kaepernick defends Soleimani because of the color of his skin. Whats clear is Colin Kaepernick, does not judge people on the basis of their actions. He judges them by their skin color.